Refill, Reuse, Rejoice
Bottles saved from Landfill
Plastic bottles have been eliminated from Landfills & Oceans


Free shipping on orders over $100


Please help reduce costs and lighten the carbon footprint by only
returning bottles we can reuse. Our Reuse Criteria:

– Bottle should be empty, rinsed, and dried
– No large dents
– Free of hard water spots
– No travel/sample bottles (you can keep those and refill them yourself)
– No bottles from another company

If your bottles DO NOT meet the criteria please RECYCLE LOCALLY as aluminum can be recycled infinitely.
If your bottles DO meet the criteria we look forward to getting them back!


Request a PrePaid Postage Label

Once you fill out your address and get to the second screen, If you are returning 4 bottles or less, you can click the option that your package is under a pound and use the lightweight service.
See the highlighted section on the screen shot to know where to click!

Upon submitting the form you will automatically be emailed a return label from the US Postal Service. You’ll print the label and place it over the old label on the outside of the box.
If you don’t have one of our boxes please use a small box to keep the weight down and the bottles safe. Fewer boxes means less carbon and costs. Please don’t use priority mail boxes.

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