Refill, Reuse, Rejoice
Bottles saved from Landfill
Plastic bottles have been eliminated from Landfills & Oceans


Free shipping on orders over $100


Join the refill revolution—changing the world, one bottle at a time.

Plaine Promoters Application

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Who are Plaine Promoters? Individuals who use Plaine Products, love it and want to get others to join them in eliminating single use plastics while enjoying outstanding products. Plaine Promoters spread the word about our products and get 10% from every sale they generate.

Nonprofits can be Plaine Promoters as well. 

Americans discard more than 30 million tons of plastic a year. Only 8 percent of that gets recycled. 

What do I need to do? Spread the word about Plaine Products in your community, amongst your network of family, friends, co-workers and your social media connections using a unique link that gives you credit for purchases made on our site.

What do I get? In addition to the satisfaction of helping reduce the amount of single use plastics in the world, you’ll also be credited 10% for all sales related to your promotion

How do I start? Read our Terms of Use, fill out the application below and we'll be in touch!

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter your Plaine Products account username or the username you’d like us to use to set up an account for you.
Are you 18+?*
Are you comfortable creating video content that features your shower / hair care routine?*
Plaine Promoter Program Goals*
As a Plaine Promoter, you are required to post about Plaine Products on your social platforms at least once a quarter (3 months) and drive at least 5 unique link clicks within the first quarter. Do you feel this is achievable?
I’ve read and understood the Terms of Use & Conditions.*
Click here to read the Terms of Use & Conditions
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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