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Sustainable Summer Camping Ideas

Heading out camping this summer? We’ve got a few sustainable summer camping ideas to make your outdoor camping experience your most eco-friendly yet!

Plaine Products Hair and Body Wash in the forest

Plastic-Free Toiletries

Pack a two-in-one biodegradable shampoo + body wash. Plain Products Sage Hair + Body Wash is the perfect camping companion because it takes up very little space, has multiple uses, and is safe to use in natural water because it is completely biodegradable! 


Solar Lights

Use solar-powered lights, lanterns and rechargeable batteries. And don’t forget to bring a solar charger to keep your phone charged for emergencies, and pictures.



pretzels in a reusable silicone bag

Pre-portion snacks and prepare food ahead of time. Pack snacks in reusable containers and prep what food you can ahead of time to avoid food waste and waste from packaging. 




Bring a bag with you for any recyclables like glasses, cans, bottles or cardboard so that you can ensure they are properly recycled when you return home. 



Bring a reusable water bottle with a built-in filter. Skip the plastic water bottles and invest in a high-quality stainless steel water bottle with a built-in filter like one from Clearly Filtered. Or bring a larger filtration system like a Berkey if you are staying at one campsite for your trip. 



Borrow, rent or thrift. If you only go camping a couple of times a year consider renting or sharing your gear with friends. And if you do need to buy something, shop secondhand first!


Sustainable camping is fun and easy. Be sure to share your sustainable camping pictures with us, especially if you pack your Plaine Products!


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