Refill, Reuse, Rejoice
Bottles saved from Landfill
Plastic bottles have been eliminated from Landfills & Oceans


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Survey Says…

And the survey says…you like us as much as we like you!

We are always working hard to improve our efforts to reduce single-use plastics. By regularly adding new products to keep single-use plastics out of the bathroom, to continuously redesigning our packaging to ensure it is waste free and efficient, we strive to do right by the planet and our customers.

We recently sent out a survey to solicit feedback on your thoughts or suggestions on ways we can continue to improve our social and environmental efforts. We were blown away by the number of you who took the time to answer our questions and tell us what you think. Thank you!

Beyond your appreciation for our circular, zero waste, vegan products and your requests for future products there were a number of things that came up that we wanted to address. There were many great suggestions for how we can improve, so thank you for that.  There were also a handful of comments which made us think, maybe they missed something? Read on for our responses to some of the feedback.


“Consider an unscented option for more sensitive users.” For years we have heard the requests for unscented products and we’re excited to tell you, they are coming! Be on the lookout in early 2021 when we will FINALLY have unscented products available.


More Stores

“I wish I could buy your products locally and not have to do the shipping” Plaine Products is available in over 55 brick and mortar retail locations nationwide, in addition to our online store. And, we are always looking for more stores to carry our products. We understand that not everyone wants to shop online and many would prefer to go to their local refill shop. Many of our retail partners will take back your empty bottles as well.

Plus, we also now offer a bulk option of our best selling Rosemary Mint Vanilla shampoo and conditioner for refill stores so you can refill locally. The best way for us to get in to more stores is for you to ask your local bulk shop to carry us! We have a great team that is constantly looking to expand our retail options but a request directly from you helps so much.

We also heard that many of you are looking for more of a one-stop-shop for all of your zero waste shopping. The good news is we are also available at EarthHero and Package Free Shop which both carry everything your plastic-free heart could desire.

Natural Ingredients

“More inclusion of natural ingredients; take the ingredient list one step further and avoid endocrine disruptors” Unlike many mainstream products, Mother Nature provides all of our ingredients. Aloe Vera Extract, also known as Medicinal Aloe, is our main ingredient, as opposed to water in most personal care products. Aloe contains 75 nutrients, including 8-essential amino acids as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. Long noted for its healing properties, aloe vera is used in the treatment of wounds, burns and minor skin infections. It is one of the reasons our products are so amazing.

Our vegan products are toxin-free, cruelty-free, as well as kid-safe, color-safe and our formula is biodegradable. No endocrine disrupters here! (Please check out this list of ingredients you don’t want in your shampoo. Many of them are in most mainstream products.)


“Is it possible to ship with even less packaging?” We ship with the least amount of material possible while still being able to get you your products undamaged. Plus, we reuse everything we can, including our cardboard boxes. Since we made the switch to higher grade cardboard, we’ve been able to reuse 60-65% of our boxes! So if your box comes slightly dented, it may be on its second or even third trip!

And the pumps. Yes, they are made of plastic, and reusable. Just switch your pump to your next refill bottle. Yes, we switched to white pumps when we learned of the trouble with trying to recycle black plastic. Reminder, the pumps are optional! We think its a better experience with pumps, and it helps control the amount of product your using (less wasted!), but you always have the option to remain completely plastic-free and order your Plaine Products with no pump. And we will continue to search for a non-plastic pump alternative that actually works well.

A Few Other Things

  • Bring more awareness and incentives for using non-plastic alternatives” – Do you follow us on Instagram? We have a regular series where we highlight plastic-free alternatives. Just search for #PlasticFreeFriday. And we regularly shout out to our fellow sustainably focused brands. In addition, our blog is full of great articles for reducing plastic in your life and why its so important.
  • “Do you offset the carbon emissions from transporting your products to people’s homes?” – We do! Read all about it here.
  • “I would be interested in more household goods including hand soap.” – We have hand soap available in both our signature scents.
  • “Percentage of profits to education and conservation” – We support many nonprofit partners that are working towards our same mission to reduce waste in the world and help eliminate single-use plastics. Additionally, we’re members of 1% For The Planet. That membership means we donate at least one percent of our annual sales to support non-profit groups with an environmental focus.


P.S. 26% of those who responded actually read our 2019 Sustainability Report! Each year we put out our annual Sustainability Report to share our sustainable highlights from the year and to set goals for the coming year. We always love to receive your feedback and suggestions for what more we can do to eliminate single-use plastics and make the world a better place.


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