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Stopping the Spread of Single Use Plastic Straws

Plaine Products has a mission to help eliminate single use plastic. We created our products to make it easier for people to use less plastic in their lives. But we also work to support other groups whose mission aligns with ours. One of those groups is One More Generation. They recently kicked off a One Less Straw campaign to stop the spread of single use plastic straws.

If you know of a nonprofit that’s working to protect the environment and/or helping to eliminate single use plastics, please let us know. Or encourage them to sign up for our Plaine Promoter’s program. We are proud to share information about the One Less Straw campaign so you, or a group you work with, can get involved!

Stopping Single Use Plastic Straws

In October of 2016, One More Generation founders Olivia (14) and her brother Carter (15.5) launched their global OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign. They are working to help clean up our environment and educate people about the problems created by using single use plastic straws.

Did you know that in America we use an estimated 500,000,000 plastic straws every single day?  That is the equivalent to 1.6 straws for every man, woman and child living in this country every single day.  If you were to take an entire day’s worth of plastic straws they would fill up over 127 school buses.  That is over 46,400 school buses full of one-time use plastic straws that are ending up in our landfills and waterways every year.  Sick isn’t it?

Since the launch of the campaign we have had over 2,500 people from over 30 countries sign our on-line pledge form. The form states that “they promise not to use a single use plastic straw for at least 30-days.”  To encourage everyone to stop using single use plastic straws, we have partnered with the folks at Simply Straws, to create a great offer. They will send everyone who signs our OneLessStraw pledge a coupon for a free glass reusable drinking straw (excluding postage) to help them stay plastic straw free forever.

Does your Group want to be a One Less Straw Partner?

In addition to Plaine Products, over 200 partners from around the world have also joined their OneLessStraw Partners Page to help to share their initiative with their fans.  We have had schools, restaurants, resorts and even zoos and aquariums sign-on showing their support for this important issue. If your organization would like to be listed as a partner, just email us your logo and website link you want Single Use Plastic Strawsassociated with the logo for consideration.  Olivia and Carter realized that reducing our plastic footprint could be very easy to do. We just need to say ‘NO‘ to single-use plastics such as straws.

We are asking schools across the nation and even in select countries to have their students participate in the program.  Schools signing on are listed as partners on our Partners Page and on our interactive Google map.

Students are then given the opportunity to sign the pledge stating they promise not to use a single plastic straw for at least 30-days.  Students are also encouraged to speak with their favorite restaurant and ask them to participate by signing a pledge stating they promise to only hand out straws upon request for 30-days.  We even have cool campaign buttons for servers to wear which helps explain the campaign to their customers.

If you have a school/district or restaurant you would like to speak with about taking the pledge, just email us ( and we will help you work out the details.

One Less Straw Resources

The website has lots of resources and a cool interactive Google map which will tracks the progress of the campaign around the country and even around the world.

As you can see, the campaign is designed to be fun and produce long-lasting results.  We encourage everyone to download the pledge forms (also available in Spanish) from our website or complete the online version.

Thank you in advance for helping us make sure this campaign is a huge success by sharing with everyone you know and please be sure to email us your signed pledge form today.

“Remember, anybody can make a difference… if we can, you can too.”


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