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Prepping for a warm and cozy winter, sustainably

With fall at our feet and winter right around the corner, who knows what the next few months will bring. Whether it be wacky weather, sickness, or winter blues, preparedness and learning from the first half of the year will certainly help get us through. Because after all, we still want winter to feel warm and cozy and exciting. So we’ve put together a list of ways to achieve that all while staying healthy and benefitting the planet!


Keep Lots of Candles on Hand

Nothing creates a warm and cozy environment quite like candles. You can purchase scented or unscented but we would recommend purchasing either pure beeswax or 100% soy wax candles. Why? Because maintaining a healthy air quality is important, especially while indoors for an extended period of time and many traditional candles emit high amounts of soot which is bad for your lungs and respiratory system. 


Winterize Your Windows and Doors

Check to make sure that all of your doors and windows are properly insulated and able to block any cold chills from entering your home. Doing so will drastically reduce heat/ energy loss. American Family Insurance has some great tips on how to prep your house here


Start Building Your Reading List Now

If you are like me you probably keep a running list of books you want to read in your head but when it comes time to actually pick one your mind suddenly goes blank or what you decide on isn’t available. I have started using Good Reads to build my reading list, that way I am never without a book recommendation. Need some inspiration to get your list started? Check out our list of books to help the planet. With your list in hand, you can make sure you always have something to snuggle up and read this winter!


Wear Warm Socks or Slippers 

Did you know that having cold feet can affect your mood and overall health? It’s true, having cold feet can make you feel sluggish, tired, and can cause your body to think it is under stress. So simply putting on socks or slippers that you already have can boost your mood. If you are looking for something warmer than what you have, our team loves Bombas. Not only are they warm and comfortable, but they donate a pair of socks for every pair purchased. Win win! 


Invest in Good Outdoor Gear

One of the best ways to fight the winter blues is to get outside. Keeping our bodies moving during the winter and getting sunlight plus fresh air has loads of health benefits. The key to being able to survive the chill is to have some good winter gear. You can either invest in some new, sustainable gear,  shop second-hand sites like ThredUp, or visit your local second hand/ thrift stores to score some deals. 


Bring the Outdoors In

If you can’t get outside during inclement weather bring the outdoors in through plants! Plants help to improve the air quality of your home which is a big deal since our homes are actually more polluted than outside. Plants also help to brighten up any room and retain moisture and warmth, all benefits that are especially important during the winter. 


Skip the Takeout

Pumpkin Curry via Minimalist BakerWhile takeout or delivery are convenient they are often costly on your wallet, health and the planet because of all of the unnecessary plastic and extra driving. It can be hard to find the motivation to cook dinner when it is dark by 4pm so stocking your freezer now will help you tremendously this winter. Not only will you be able to avoid the additional cost of takeout but you will be able to have more nutrient-dense foods available to keep you healthy and satisfied. Here’s a round-up of recipes from Minimalist Baker to give you some inspiration.


Hopefully this list helps you feel prepared and ready for whatever is to come this winter. Light those candles, read some books, snuggle up with a cup of tea or coffee and have no fear that winter is almost here!


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