Imagine a world without plastic waste. That’s the mission for Plastic-Free July – to build a global movement that dramatically reduces plastic use and improves recycling, worldwide. We’ll be posting PFJ tips and blog posts with ideas all month!
A simple way to minimize single use plastics – just avoid plastic whenever possible! Pick better packaging when you’re shopping and keep waste in mind at places like the grocery store.
Cloth produce bags are one way we love to help minimize single-use plastics. You can get cloth produce bags at the Package Free Shop!
Shopping in bulk can help save the environment *and* your wallet! Some grocery stores have tare options – you just stop by a cashier and have your container weighed before you fill it up.
We really love shopping second-hand and buying things made from re-used materials in order to use less plastic.
All released balloons, including those falsely marketed as “biodegradable latex,” return to Earth as ugly litter. They kill countless animals and cause dangerous power outages. Skip the balloons and choose other ways to celebrate or decorate. Check out for more information!
Give a gift that counts. Whether it’s a birthday, a holiday, hostess gift, or just because, we can make a difference by using the opportunity to introduce people to more sustainable products in a fun way.
Carrying reusable bags – in the car or in your handbag – is a great way to skip single use plastic. You may forget as first, but the longer you have them the more often you’ll remember!