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Going Plastic Free in the Bathroom

We’re celebrating Plastic-Free July, a global movement to reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and within your community. This week we’re focusing on going Plastic-Free in the bathroom. By choosing to refuse single-use plastics, a small change by many can make a huge difference in the world’s plastic pollution problem. Join us in imagining a world without plastic waste. We’ll be posting Plastic-Free July tips and blog posts with ideas all month!


Next up, we bring you some suggestions for going plastic-free in the bathroom. Check out our ideas:

Switch to a wooden or bamboo comb or hairbrush.

Unlike plastic, wooden combs don’t produce static or snap your hair.  Meaning less frizziness! Wooden combs and brushes also naturally distribute oils from the scalp through the hair, for more shiny, nourished hair.

Replace your worn-out plastic toothbrush with a compostable option like bamboo!

Over 4.7 billion plastic toothbrushes that will never biodegrade are dumped in landfills and oceans every year worldwide. And every plastic toothbrush ever created still exists. Once your current brush has lived a full life, consider eliminating the plastic and opt for a bamboo toothbrush.


Try a plastic-free shower cap

Confession: We don’t always wash our hair every day. Instead of using those plastic, disposable shower caps for the days you don’t want to get your hair wet, consider a plastic-free shower cap.


Choose cotton swabs with paper or bamboo sticks

Did you know that most cotton swabs are joined by a plastic stick? Choose cotton swabs that have paper or bamboo sticks instead of plastic ones. Or go without! And when you’re done you can throw them in the compost.


Switch to a safety razor

According to the EPA, nearly 2 billion disposable razors are thrown away each year!
Safety razors are made of stainless steel and the blades are fully recyclable. They are a bit more of an investment upfront but will save you money in the long run. Swap your plastic disposable razor for a safety razor.


Choose a natural loofah

Instead of a plastic loofah, choose a plant-based one. Plastic loofahs are inspired by the plant version, and yet, a natural loofah is totally compostable. You could even grow them yourself!


Choose plastic-free toilet paper

Choose toilet paper wrapped in paper instead of plastic. And then you can also compost the cardboard tube and the paper wrapped around the toilet paper. Thoughtful packaging makes a huge difference in the fight against single-use plastic.


Avoid single-use plastic with our face wash and face moisturizer

Avoid even more single-use plastic in the bathroom! Our renewing wash and moisturizer are blended with potent antioxidants and nutrients and are specifically formulated for the face. These vegan and non-toxic face products come in returnable, refillable aluminum bottles.


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