It can be difficult to avoid plastic when you’re on the go. Plastic bottles, cutlery, bags, and more are the norm, despite their notoriously harmful effects on wildlife and human health. Fortunately, you can avoid all of these wasteful plastics with just a little preparation and forethought! Here are our favorite ways to reduce plastic when you’re on the go.
Reusable Bottles
One of the best ways to avoid plastic is to invest in a reusable bottle. It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re out and about, but plastic bottles are hard to recycle and have been linked to endocrine-disrupting chemicals like BPA and BPS. It can also save you money! It’s estimated that the average person in the U.S. spends $5 a week on plastic bottles, or $260 a year. Switching to a reusable aluminum or glass bottle is a great choice for the earth, your health, and your wallet!
Reusable Bags
Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of the dangers of plastic bags. Plastic bag bans are on the rise, and it’s very common to see people bring their own bags to the grocery store. But what about other places? Make sure to bring your reusable bags anywhere you shop, like the drug store, clothing stores, hardware stores, makeup shops, and more! And keep a set in your car so you’re never without a reusable bag. We’ve long been big fans of ECOBAGS, one of the original, reusable bag companies.
Reusable Cups/Mugs
Running errands can be draining, and caffeine is often a must. Keep a reusable travel mug/cup handy when you need a little on-the-go pick-me-up! Most coffee shops will let you bring your own, so you’ll be helping to reduce the nearly 16 billion takeaway coffee cups thrown away every year.
Reusable Utensil Kit
Plastic cutlery and straws are some of the most commonly littered items on the world’s beaches. But they’re easily avoidable! Keep a reusable utensil kit in your purse and car so you’re always prepared when you go out to eat. The best part? You can bring the utensils you already have in your home!
It can seem overwhelming to avoid plastic when you’re on the go, but with a little preparation, you can significantly reduce your plastic usage. Investing in reusable items like bottles, bags, mugs, and utensils can reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, and save you money! But remember: the most sustainable item is the one you already have, so take a look through your cabinets and drawers before you go out and buy new items. Happy Plastic-Free July!