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Plaine Promoters are individuals who use Plaine Products, love them and want to get others to join in eliminating single-use plastics while enjoying outstanding products. Plaine Promoters spread the word about our products and get 10% from every sale they generate.

Our latest Plaine Promoter highlight is Suzan. Suzan is a writer, environment advocate, and martial artist whose on her own personal journey to switching out single-use plastic for more sustainable materials.

Tell us about yourself and your message. Why is it so important to you to share that message with others?

I was raised to be kind to nature and to be aware of consequences. I truly believe that what you put out there, you get in return whether it’s good or bad. Take for instance the environment. When we care about our planet our planet will return in kindness. When you take care of a plant, will it not bloom for you? When you reduce your intake of material things, will you not live a simpler life? Everything has a cause and effect. You give back to the planet, the planet will give back to you.

Do you have a favorite post or story you want to share?

I usually write what matters to me most, so I can’t really pick out a favorite. But since I’ve been a vegetarian for over 30 years, I love to write about my vegetarian experiences and hopefully enlighten others as well. Here’s a recent post of mine, IS IT OKAY FOR MY CHILD TO BE A VEGETARIAN?

What’s your one best, easiest tip for minimizing single-use plastics?

Decide if you truly need that item. Can you use it at least 30 times? Can it benefit you in ways that make your life better? If not, then you don’t really need these single-use plastics in your life.

What do you think is usually the biggest blocker for people in regards to living a more sustainable lifestyle?

Convenience. I will say this time and time again. We live in a world of convenience, especially living in the US. Most people are so accustomed to just taking out a single-use plastic sandwich bag and throwing it away after that one use. It’s easier to not have to wash your reusable sandwich bag. Convenience is our biggest culprit.

Do you have a favorite Plaine Product and if so, what is it?

Ahh…that’s like asking if you have a favorite child, lol. But I do prefer the lavender-scented products. The scent is light yet poignant and delightful to use for any age and gender.


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