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Plaine Product’s 2018 Sustainability Report

Plaine Products is pleased to present our 2018 Sustainability Report highlighting our accomplishments for 2018 and our goals for the future. 


We founded Plaine Products in 2017 to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in the world and we are so proud of what we achieved in our second year. In 2018 we surpassed our goal of diverting 25,00 plastic bottles from landfills and sold nearly 39,000. That’s more than 50,000 plastic bottles that have been diverted from landfills since we opened our doors in 2017! We have also prevented the emissions of more than 11,670 kg of carbon dioxide by eliminating the need for virgin plastic.

You can find highlights like these and more in this year’s Sustainability Report. Read more about how we’ve reduced greenhouse gas emissions and packaging waste. Find out more about our commitment to sustainable sourcing and sustainable packaging. And learn more about our goals for the future!

We continue to be excited about the possibilities for Plaine Products. We have big plans for new products, new partnerships, and new innovations. Thank you for your support along the way, we couldn’t do it without you.


Thanks once again, to Bobbi Lesser, a graduate of the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, for her help in this project.


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