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Partner Highlight: UPSTREAM Plaine Promoter

A Plaine Promoter is an individual or nonprofit who uses Plaine Products, loves them and wants to get others to join in eliminating single-use plastics while enjoying outstanding products. Plaine Promoters spread the word about our products and get 10% from every sale they generate.

Our latest Plaine Promoter highlight is UPSTREAM, an entrepreneurial non-profit organization sparking innovative solutions to plastic pollution for a throw-away-free world. “There’s a better way than throw-away.”

UPSTREAM works with iconic venues to move them from a single-use, throw-away model to real and reusable. They create the conditions for communities to become throw-away-free and reusable to-go businesses to thrive.

As formal advisors to the UN’s Environment Program, UPSTREAM reaches audiences of thousands within industry, NGO and government leaders every year. They helped create Break Free From Plastic and its U.S. hub, plus a network of 15 states and 4 Canadian provinces working on sustainable product policy.

Tell us more about UPSTREAM and your message. Why is it so important to you to share that message with others?

UPSTREAM sparks innovative solutions to plastic pollution. We bring people together to transform our throw-away society into a culture of stewardship. We envision a world without plastic pollution and empower business, communities, and people to imagine and co-create this future with us.

Do you have a favorite post or story you want to share?

UPSTREAM kicked 2019 off with great momentum in Berkeley, CA with a throw-away-free initiative we intend to take nationwide, city by city. On January 22nd, we made national history with an ordinance that Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin called “the most ambitious, comprehensive legislation to reduce throw-away foodware in the United States.” Get the full story from the Disposable-Free upstream reuseBerkeley catalysts Miriam Gordon & Martin Borque on our Indisposable Podcast!

What’s your one best, easiest tip for minimizing single-use plastics?

When it comes to our health, wallet, community, and climate, reuse wins. Every. Time.

What do you think is usually the biggest blocker for people in regards to living a more healthier lifestyle?

Consumers need convenient options to break free from throw-away plastic, and the tide is turning with entrepreneurial reuse businesses like Plaine Products and UPSTREAM’s Throw-Away-Free initiatives. Support businesses and organizations that support your trash-free lifestyle!

Do you have a favorite Plaine Product and if so, what is it?

UPSTREAM loves Plaine Products’ refillable travel-size toiletries to cut trash from our trips. Options like these show there is a better way than throw-away that’s just as convenient and way more fun!


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