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Partner Highlight: Living with Harmony

Plaine Promoters are individuals who use Plaine Products, love them and want to get others to join in eliminating single-use plastics while enjoying outstanding products. Plaine Promoters spread the word about our products and get 10% from every sale they generate.


Our latest Plaine Promoter highlight is Living with Harmony, whose mission is to heal, inspire and transform lives of people, animals, and the planet through the education of Planet-Based Living. Living with Harmony has coined the phrase “Planet-Based Living” to encompass their values and educate the public on how to live for the good of the world.

Tell us about yourself and Living with Harmony’s message!

Living with Harmony is a nonprofit organization working to open a retreat center in Colorado to educate, heal, inspire and transform the lives of people and animals. We promote a concept called “planet-based living,” a term we coined to describe a lifestyle of considering personal health, animal welfare and the environment in all the choices that you make. People, animals, and the planet need not just our help, but everyone’s help! We hope to educate individuals and corporations on how to lead more compassionate and purposeful lives.


Do you have a favorite post or story you want to share?

Living with Harmony recently gained an Executive Director at the start of 2019. Mariam was working on her doctoral degree in biomedical engineering back in Ohio but her heart has been in preventative medicine/lifestyle for almost a decade. She decided right before Thanksgiving that she wanted to help people, the animals, and the planet now and not wait another moment. Biomedical engineering solves problems after they are already problems and she wanted to go fight the source. So Mariam walked into her advisor’s office the next day, quit her degree which she had dedicated years to, and moved her and her dog across the US to join Living with Harmony the following month.


What’s your one best, easiest tip for minimizing single-use plastics?

Don’t use them and be prepared. We understand sometimes this isn’t feasible, but most of the time single-use plastics may be avoided just by being prepared. Take a container with you when you go to a restaurant (unless you are really hungry 🙂 of course). Take a travel mug with you when you go to get coffee and take produce bags with you to the grocery. Or don’t bag your items at all! There are so many alternatives available and you can make such a big difference by being prepared, as well as inspire others to do the same!


What do you think is usually the biggest blocker for people in regards to living a more healthier lifestyle?

Fear. It is scary to make big changes in life especially when society or even family and friends can be unsupportive. You don’t want to feel weird being the only person walking into a restaurant with a to-go container or the only person choosing a meat-free dish. But we at Living with Harmony believe that being different, standing out because you are choosing to live a more conscientious lifestyle is only something to be admired. You will come to find that those who mock are generally the ones with the most internal battles. So be you and love every moment of it!!


Do you have a favorite Plaine Product and if so, what is it?

All of the Plaine Products are my favorite because they use no plastic and they encourage people to refill instead of throw out and repurchase. What a beautiful company to promote and we need more like them going against the status quo to fight for this environment and future generations.


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