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plastic recycling & pollution

5 Facts about Plastic Recycling & Pollution

People often wonder why Plaine Products uses aluminum bottles instead of plastic ones. Our friends at Eco Green Love created an infographic about plastic recycling & pollution that is a great explanation. While plastic is an easier, and cheaper, way to bottle products there are other costs to consider. Costs to our oceans, our heath, and our marine life that Plaine Products isn’t willing to pay.

Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are some other new companies listed at the bottom that are creating new technology to recycle more plastic packaging.

Here are 5 facts about Plastic Recycling & Pollution:

How much of the Plastic is actually Recycled? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove


Take some time to hop over to to see more great infographics on plastic and other environmental issues. They’ve got a lot of helpful information to share.

If you’ve got information you want to share with Plaine Products, or that you want us to share with our readers, get in touch. It takes all of us to create change. Plaine Products values collaboration and is always looking for innovative partnerships to help with our mission of less plastic in the world!


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