Here are 10 tangible ways for your kids to reduce their use of single use plastic and minimize environmental impact while traveling.
15 Ideas from Plastic Free July to Keep you Going
We’re excited to share some of the photos we were tagged in to give you some ideas from Plastic-Free July to keep you going into August and beyond!
You’ve Already Won at Plastic Free July
Plastic-Free July is a movement challenging everyone to choose to refuse single use plastic during July. Whether you know it or not, you’ve already won!
5 Tips to Help Create a Plastic Free July
Considering the Plastic-Free July Challenge? Avoid the Big 4: plastic bags, to go cups, straws and water bottles, along with plastic shampoo bottles.
Three Myths about Bottled Water
Bottled water is taking over our planet. 50% of all plastic is used once and thrown away, and four main items that make up the bulk of that statistic.
Purge the Plastic: Ideas to Free Yourself
Want to purge the plastic from your life? We have a few simple ideas. You may not be able to eliminate plastic but the more you can avoid it the better.
Stopping the Spread of Single Use Plastic Straws
Plaine Products has a mission to eliminate single use plastic. One More Generation kicked off a campaign to stop the spread of single use plastic straws.
5 Facts about Plastic Recycling & Pollution
Our friends over at Eco Green Love put together this great infographic about plastic recycling & pollution that explains why we use aluminum bottles.
Three Things to Help You Travel Sustainably
Trying to travel sustainably can be challenging. Especially if you like to travel light. Here are three things that make it easier to travel sustainably.
5 Ways to Create Less Waste in the Morning
The Style Wise blog gave us 5 ways to create less waste in the morning. Check it out and see if you can easily incorporate one of her ideas in to your day.
5 Easy Ways to Have Less Plastic in Your Life
Here are 5 Easy Ways to Have Less Plastic in Your Life: reusable water bottle, reusable bags, refuse straws, choose better packaging, and a reusable mug.
Single Use Plastic: Think Before You Shop
We all must consider the impact of the single use plastic we buy. Plastic is designed to last forever, but half of all plastic is used once and thrown away.
Sailing the Atlantic Searching for Oceanic Plastic
I was chosen to go on a sailing trip through the Sargasso Sea with 5 Gyres on the mission of collecting data on oceanic plastic.
Why Plaine Products and Plastic
Plaine Products starts with all natural shampoo, conditioner and body wash in bottles that can be returned and refilled.