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How to Use Hair Repair Spray

How to Use Hair Repair Spray

One of our more popular products is our Hair Repair. Have you tried it yet? We've received lots of questions on how to use our hair repair spray, so we thought we'd share some tips. You might be surprised at how many uses it has! Generally, Plaine Products' Hair...

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2 New Hand Wash Scents!

2 New Hand Wash Scents!

We have added 2 new, seasonal scents to our hand wash line and they are helping get us in the holiday spirit! Our hydrating hand wash is now available in Cherry Almond and Sweet Orange Patchouli, in addition to our current best sellers, Citrus Lavender and Rosemary...

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Help for Static Prone Hair

Help for Static Prone Hair

While it's hard to know exactly what is causing your static hair, the colder weather of winter is certainly not helping. We have a few suggestions for helping to combat the static in your hair.   What Causes Static Hair? When the weather gets cooler outside and...

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Plaine Products are Gray Water Safe

Plaine Products are Gray Water Safe

We often get asked if Plaine Products are gray water safe, and we're happy to say the answer is yes! Whether you're using Plaine Products in the shower, in the bath, or to wash your hands, you can collect the runoff for other uses safely.   What is Gray Water?...

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Get “Halloween Unready” With Plaine Products

Get “Halloween Unready” With Plaine Products

You’ve slayed your Halloween makeup look, and now it’s time to take it all off! Costume makeup can be tough to remove and harsh on the skin, but we’ve got everything you need to get your skin back to its pre-Halloween beauty. Here’s how to get Halloween Unready with...

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Sustainable Sleep Routine

Sustainable Sleep Routine

Looking for ways to green your sleep routine? We’ve got you covered with eco-friendly tips to make bedtime the best (and greenest) part of your day.   Try a Sustainable Sleepy Time Tea If you have trouble falling asleep, try an herbal tea like magnolia, lavender,...

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A look at our new bottles!

A look at our new bottles!

At the core of Plaine Products is our mission to eliminate single-use plastics and to increase our bottle reuse. With that in mind, we are so excited to announce a new design for our bottles! This new look increases the lifespan of our bottles, resulting in even more...

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Why We Choose Aluminum

Why We Choose Aluminum

We founded Plaine Products to provide natural, quality products in sustainable packaging, making it easier for everyone to use a little less plastic in their lives. But why did we choose aluminum? Read on to find out.   Durability The heart of our model is reuse,...

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Deep Conditioner is here!

Deep Conditioner is here!

Over the years, we've received many requests to create a deep conditioner that provides extra nourishment to the hair. And it's finally here! Read on to learn more about why you should add a deep conditioner to your Plaine Routine. Benefits of Using a Deep Conditioner...

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How To: Zero Waste Laundry

How To: Zero Waste Laundry

Confused by all the plastic-free laundry options on the market today? We’ve got you covered. Read on to learn more about how to achieve a zero-waste laundry routine.   The Truth About “Plastic-Free” Detergent If you’ve already started your zero-waste laundry...

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How Plastic is Impacting Human Health

How Plastic is Impacting Human Health

The impacts of plastic on the environment are clear. But how does plastic impact human health? Plastic is one of the most pervasive materials on the planet, and its chemicals are finding their way into our bodies and negatively affecting our health. Here’s how.  ...

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Sustainable Summer Camping Ideas

Sustainable Summer Camping Ideas

Heading out camping this summer? We've got a few sustainable summer camping ideas to make your outdoor camping experience your most eco-friendly yet! Plastic-Free Toiletries Pack a two-in-one biodegradable shampoo + body wash. Plain Products Sage Hair + Body Wash is...

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