At Plaine Products we provide quality, natural products inside our aluminum bottles. Our products are biodegradable, sulfate-free, no tears and vegan.
Sending out our first Refilled, Reused Bottles!
Plaine Products pays to have our bottles come back to be reused.Our first set of bottles that have been returned, sterilized and refilled are shipping out!
My Beauty Bunny: Cruelty Free Beauty Review
My Beauty Bunny™ is an award-winning, top 10, cruelty free beauty, lifestyle and fashion blog, here is their review of Plaine Products.
Getting Plastic out of Schools: Planet-Centered Classroom Activities
Katie Abarr, the creator of @UnlaminatedEdu, highlights planet-centered classroom activities and habits to help get plastic out of schools.
Zero Waste Week Idea: DIY Toothpaste (it’s not as hard or as crazy as it sounds)
Zero Waste Week is an awareness campaign for reducing the amount of trash we all contribute to landfills, there are lots of easy ways to reduce your trash.
Social Entrepreneurship: Plaine Products Podcast
I spoke with Tony Loyd, host of the Social Entrepreneurship about our origins, roadblocks and future. You can hear the Plaine Products podcast here!
5 Environmentally Educational Movies Worth Watching
We’ve got some recommendations of environmentally educational movies that are worth watching, by yourself or with your kids.
Plaine Products Review by The Do Something Project
Cat tried our shampoo, conditioner and body wash on her own, and the resulting Plaine Products review from The Do Something Project made us so happy!
5 Ideas for a More Sustainable School Lunch
School lunches often involve a lot of single use plastic. We’ve got some easy ideas to make for a more sustainable school lunch.
10 Ways to Minimize Environmental Impact While Traveling with Kids
Here are 10 tangible ways for your kids to reduce their use of single use plastic and minimize environmental impact while traveling.
15 Ideas from Plastic Free July to Keep you Going
We’re excited to share some of the photos we were tagged in to give you some ideas from Plastic-Free July to keep you going into August and beyond!
Sustainable Subscription: We’ve Lowered our Prices
Plaine Products was designed to make being environmentally friendly easy! From our aluminum bottles, to our chemical free products, we want to empower you to make choices that are good for your family and the planet without having to leave your home! Our lives our so...
Our 5 Gyres Partnership: More Ocean, Less Plastic
We are excited about our 5 Gyres Partnership, supporting an organization that is also working to ensure there is less plastic in the ocean.
You’ve Already Won at Plastic Free July
Plastic-Free July is a movement challenging everyone to choose to refuse single use plastic during July. Whether you know it or not, you’ve already won!
5 Tips to Help Create a Plastic Free July
Considering the Plastic-Free July Challenge? Avoid the Big 4: plastic bags, to go cups, straws and water bottles, along with plastic shampoo bottles.
Three Myths about Bottled Water
Bottled water is taking over our planet. 50% of all plastic is used once and thrown away, and four main items that make up the bulk of that statistic.
Chemical Free Products, Natural Ingredients
We get a lot of questions about whether or not we have chemical free products. Some people can’t believe they work with natural ingredients.
Purge the Plastic: Ideas to Free Yourself
Want to purge the plastic from your life? We have a few simple ideas. You may not be able to eliminate plastic but the more you can avoid it the better.
Plaine Products on the Sustainable Living Podcast
Grateful to the Sustainable Living Podcast for hosting Plaine Products and taking the time to talk about our mission to eliminate single use plastics!
Stopping the Spread of Single Use Plastic Straws
Plaine Products has a mission to eliminate single use plastic. One More Generation kicked off a campaign to stop the spread of single use plastic straws.